Toeniskoetter Construction Announces New Ownership Team

Adam Toeniskoetter, Megan Toeniskoetter, and Taylor Nordberg announced that they have purchased Toeniskoetter Construction, Inc., from Chuck Toeniskoetter, the company’s founder and majority owner, and Steve Hallgrimson, minority owner and longtime business partner of Chuck.
Click here to read the article in the Silicon Valley Business Journal
Click here to read the article in The Mercury News
The opening for this ownership change came with former president Dan Amend’s recent move to Toeniskoetter Development, Inc., where he is now President, Chuck explained. “That move occurred when Brad Krouskup decided to focus full time on being CEO there, thus relinquishing his role as president of the development company." He continued, "Dan brought so much to Toeniskoetter Construction, but his new focus meant it was time to consider the long-term strategy of Toeniskoetter Construction, as well as its leadership and ownership."
Adam Toeniskoetter, 38, is now the majority owner and the company’s president. Adam started his construction career as a project superintendent and joined Toeniskoetter Construction when it was founded in 2009. He transitioned into the role of project manager, and over the last few years has played an active role in the management of the company as Executive Vice President.
Megan Toeniskoetter, 40 and sister of Adam, joined Toeniskoetter Construction in 2011 as a project coordinator. She has grown with the company and now manages project administration, marketing, and operations. With the ownership position, Megan is now Executive Vice President.
Taylor Nordberg, 38, came to the firm in 2016 and will continue in his role as a project manager, along with additional management responsibilities as Executive Vice President. His earlier career running remote mineral exploration projects and later commercial and industrial building controls projects brings a broader perspective to the ownership team, which is a real value add, Megan noted.
“We’re all just thrilled to be announcing our new leadership team,” said Adam. “The three of us have a great relationship, and we balance each other out on our knowledge of construction. And, of course, Megan rules the roost; she has a detailed understanding of our operations at any given time.”
“Our focus will continue to be on high quality tenant improvements in Silicon Valley,” continued Adam. “The Bay Area is evolving through this pandemic, and I think with so many companies utilizing remote work capabilities means things are never going to be exactly the same way they used to be. With the end of COVID-19 in sight, how office spaces look and are used will be different for every company. We’re here for those companies to modify and adjust their spaces to accommodate this.”
Taylor Nordberg agreed. “We excel at problem-solving for clients and being in sync with what they need, from beginning to end.” Asked whether he’d ever thought he’d own part of Toeniskoetter Construction one day, Taylor said, “I’ve always thought about taking a bigger role, bringing forward new and improved ways of doing things and exerting a larger influence. The opportunity was definitely an unexpected surprise.”
“What excites us is our strong, solid foundation and an incredible team of people. Best of all, the three of us agree on our goals,” said Megan. “We’ll continue to grow, but in a controlled way. We like our current size because we know what projects everyone is working on, and we can provide personalized service to our clients. We want to stay a close team and continue the family feeling throughout the company."
Chuck Toeniskoetter has been named CEO of Toeniskoetter Construction to help with the ownership transition. Chuck and Steve will be on the company’s Board of Directors.
"I couldn't be happier," Chuck Toeniskoetter said. "This has been evolving for years and it's part of my plan to have a very smooth and thought-out transition and succession plan. We're here. Let's celebrate!"